Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Role of Chemistry in Domestic Activities
Mal maintenance has shown to be an important concern in women, tykeren, and the elderly. Because of pregnancies and breastfeeding, women begin additional nutrient requirements. 19Children can be at risk for malnutrition counterbalance before birth, as their nutrition levels are directly tied to the nutrition of their mothers. 20Breastfeeding can reduce rates of malnutrition and mortality in children411, and educational programs for mothers could have a large impact on these rates. 21The elderly have a large risk of malnutrition because of unique complications such as changes in appetite and energy level, and manducate and swallowing problems. 22Adequate elderly care is inborn for preventing malnutrition, especially when the elderly cannot care for themselves. Malnutritionis a broad term which refers to bothundernutrition(subnutrition) andovernutrition. Individuals are malnourished, or suffer from undernutrition if their diet does not provide them with adequate calories and pro tein for maintenance and growth, or they cannot fully utilize the food they go through on due to illness.People are also malnourished, or suffer from overnutrition if they consume too many calories.CausesCauses related to food.General causes.(A) Causes related to foodA lot of causes related to food are responsible for malnutrition.1. Lack of nutritious and balance DietLack of nutritious and balanced diet is responsible to a great extent for malnutrition in children. In our country, because of poverty, there is a lack of essential elements like Proteins, carbohydrates, fats etc. in everyday meal.2. Indigestive and Harmful dietIntake of indigestive and harmful diet is one of the main causes of malnutrition. Children belonging to the rich families do have expensive food items but in general these food items are indigestive and harmful. Intake of such type of food items often leads to lack of hunger and therefrom sometimes the children fall prey to malnutrition.3. Lack of Regulated D iet Irregular intake of food is one of the main causes leading to malnutrition. The timings for breakfast, lunch and dinner mustiness more or less be fixed. aking irregular meals causes indigestion and finally results in malnutrition.(B) General Causes1. Dirty EnvironmentDirty environment of home and inculcate also causes malnutrition. In Indian cities the home and school environment accommodates dirty due to lack of fresh and pure air, lack of sunlight, non-availability of playground, dirty lanes, which hampers right nutrition of children.2. Lack of Sound Sleep and RestLack of space and suffocated bedroom causes lack of sleep. Lack of sleep results in indigestion, which leads to malnutrition. Lack of proper and sufficient stay on also leads to malnutrition.3. Negligence of ChildrenNegligence of children at home and in school causes anxiety in children. This also results in malnutrition.4. Bodily diseasesMany children being give from the diseases are neither able to have balanc ed diet nor their bodily functions take place properly resulting in malnutrition.5. Heavy workThe digestive impact of children gets affected because of continuous hard work. Especially for the children of low income- groups, the heavy labour uncoupled with balanced diet take a toll on their personal and mental development. Nearly forty percent of total children in India suffer from malnutrition.6. Lack of Exercise and GamesThe lack of exercise and games also leads to malnutrition. Even if a child takes a balanced and nutritious diet, the lack of exercise and games results in slowing down of digestive process and consequently the food is not digested properly make malnutrition. This also causes physical deficiencies.PreventionAs a lack of essential nutrients is one of the main causes of malnutrition, the best way to prevent the condition is to eat a healthy, balanced diet. Arecommended diet would be a diet that contains foods from all the major food groups. The four main food grou ps arefruit and vegetables eat at least 5 a day of a varietybread, rice, potatoes, pasta and other starchy foods eat plentymilk and dairy foods eat some and choose lower fat varietiesmeat, fish, eggs, beans and other non-dairy sources of proteinfoods and drinks high in fats and/or sugars.ConclusionMalnutrition is an impediment to development, and its presence indicates that basic physiological needs have not been met. What is observed as malnutrition is not exactly the result of insufficient or inappropriate food, but also a consequence of other conditions, such as poor water supply and sanitation and a high prevalence of disease. Thus reversing the procedure is complex, because many issues need to be addressed more or less simultaneously. And every situation is different, so that there is no single solution for all.There can only be general guidance on directions to pursue. Experience from lessons learnt shows that considerable time is needed to redress a situation (ten years a nd more), and that a strong supportive political and policy environment remain crucial throughout the period. There is no quick-fix to this problem. Once achieved, however, the effect is likely to become permanent, offering a substantial return on investment. Malnutrition continues to be a significant problem all over the world, especially among children.Poverty, natural disasters, political problems, and war all contribute to conditions even epidemics of malnutrition and starvation, and not just in create countries. In some cases, malnutrition is very mild and causes no symptoms. However, sometimes it can be so severe that the damage done to the body is permanent, even though you survive. Symptoms The most common symptom of malnutrition is unplanned weight loss. If you lose 10% of your body weight in the course of three months and are not dieting, it could be a sign that you are malnourished. n adults, a useful method of assessing whether you are malnourished is to measure your body mass index(BMI). This is your weight in kilograms divided by your height in metres squared. For most adults a healthy BMI is between 18.5 and 24.9.Other symptoms intromitweakening of the muscles, which then begin to waste externalfeeling tired all the time and lacking energyincreased vulnerability to infectiondelayed wound healingdizzinessirritabilityyour nails become brittle your skin becomes dry and flakypersistentdiarrhoeadepressionin women, periods becomeirregularorstop altogether.Children Symptoms of malnutrition in children can includefailure to grow at the expected rate, both in terms of weight and heightchanges in behaviour such as appearing remarkably irritable, sluggish or anxiouschanges in hair and skin colourhair lossswelling of the stomach and legs (this last symptom usually only occurs if a child is severely malnourished).
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